
Showing posts from January, 2019


01/22/19 INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE I was skeptical at first when I saw the title. I thought it's just another vampire story. With the trend in the past view years, vampire love story or any sorts of young adult novel that involves supernatural being such as vampires, I find those type of stories repetitive and predictable. This one is not. At the beginning of the story, as the interviewee, Louis seems very noble and mysterious, kinda like the typical "perfect" vampire. I find it interesting and fun to follow his journey, seeing how his character develops. From a mortal man to a "junior" vampire to a father figure, and until he decides to never again have any companion, I feel sympathy for him. He is not the typical "perfect" vampire, instead, he feels very human. He is a passive person and it makes it easier to relate to him because not all of us are always brave or strong enough to do what we know is right. Like when Claudia decided to kill Lest...


01/19/2019 FRANKENSTEIN I read Frankenstein years ago, but never got to finish it. I think I read the translation version and it got kind of confusing and boring that I stopped reading. Now that I read the English version, it's actually pretty fun and more clear to me.  I enjoyed reading Frankenstein. I like how Mary tells the story using the perspective of three different characters. I've always loved reading from different perspectives as it gives me more sympathy for the characters. The beginning part that tells the story of Walton through letters felt kind of long, but it gave me a good sense of what kind of person he was and what's important for him. Once I finished that part, it got more fun and interesting.  Hearing the history of Victor Frankenstein’s family, his childhood, and understanding his passion was a good set up. It pays off well when I got to the ending where he died. I feel sad for him that he has to experience losing his fa...
14 Jan 2019 (Class 01) Horror Tropes lightning werewolf ominous music violin bookcase candlestick secret passage animals acting strange rain/fog beautiful assistant afraid of everything forest to old castle corpse/re-animated ugly assistant Igor mysterious servant jump scares screaming mirror/reflection following ancient books instruction following unknown sound switches/levers rat dungeon laboratory