

I was skeptical at first when I saw the title. I thought it's just another vampire story. With the trend in the past view years, vampire love story or any sorts of young adult novel that involves supernatural being such as vampires, I find those type of stories repetitive and predictable. This one is not.

At the beginning of the story, as the interviewee, Louis seems very noble and mysterious, kinda like the typical "perfect" vampire. I find it interesting and fun to follow his journey, seeing how his character develops. From a mortal man to a "junior" vampire to a father figure, and until he decides to never again have any companion, I feel sympathy for him. He is not the typical "perfect" vampire, instead, he feels very human. He is a passive person and it makes it easier to relate to him because not all of us are always brave or strong enough to do what we know is right. Like when Claudia decided to kill Lestat, Louis didn't agree, but he still couldn't stop her.

The romance aspect of this novel feels different. This is one of the other reasons that makes the story interesting. It's so unpredictable and I can't pinpoint exactly what kind of feeling each characters have for each other, except for Louis and Armand, probably.  Between Louis and Claudia, it's weird because Claudia has a body of a kid, they are like father and daughter, but it seems like they are something more than that. Lestat and Louis also have an ambiguous relationship. I can't really tell if Louis really dislikes him or not.

This is the type of book that leaves me feeling unsure and curious about the characters, so I googled the book, went to wiki, found out that there are more books, read the synopsis of the chronicles, and decided that this series is going to my reading list. The writer's take on the history of vampires sounds interesting...


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