WEEK 12: Diverse Position Science Fiction

Week 12:

For this week, I read "I Live With You". I really enjoy reading it. I think it's kind of creepy because it feels like we're seeing from the perspective of a stalker. What makes it more interesting is that this stalker seems to be something that is not normal. She has the same look but also not her. I'm wondering if she is a doppelganger? But it seems to be something more than that. I'm wondering if it's a metaphor. Is the stalker actually her other persona? That's why she does things, like inviting a man without realizing it? But it doesn't make any sense too because the person who gets stalked does notice that someone else is living with her.... Or does this stalker actually just someone with mental disorder that thinks she is just like the other person? Another possibility, judging from other readings like Bloodchild, maybe alien? It feels too random though.

It's interesting though that this stalker was able to change the woman's live. For the better or for the worse? I'm not sure. She seems to be a nice person, but the event that happen with Willard changed her. It kinda reminds me of "The Killing Joke" that tells Joker's origin story or The Riddler's origin story from Gotham. It feels like the origin story of this "new Nora".

What also makes me wonder is what is this "I don't steal". Is it a metaphor for the stalker giving her something, which is the change in Nora's life, instead of taking what's Nora's. 

Overall, I enjoyed reading this and I think it's super creepy but also interesting.


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